AESSRA Inc. Code of Conduct

Members shall:

Treat other members with courtesy and respect.

Publicly and privately support AESSRA Inc. and each other, acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of others.

Be solely responsible for their own decisions about treatment and management of their or their child’s medical condition.

Ensure that they do not state or imply to another person that a product or service is endorsed by AESSRA.

Only give information in the name of AESSRA if they are an AESSRA representative, authorised by the Committee, following specified guidelines.

No member of the Association shall be allowed to denigrate or defame a doctor or other professional to any person.


Volunteers shall:

Act honestly and in good faith at all times in the interests of AESSRA and its aims.

Perform their duties as best they can, taking into account their health, skills, experience, qualifications and position.  They shall act in a safe, responsible and effective manner.

Be punctual and reliable in performing agreed tasks.

Notify the organisation as early as possible of any inability to complete a task so as not to inconvenience others or delay the work of the organisation, and make it as easy as possible for others to complete the task.

Carry out their duties in a lawful manner and ensure the organisation carries out its business in accordance with the law, and recognise both legal and moral duties of their role.

Respect and safeguard the property of the organisation, the public and colleagues; and observe safe work practices so as not to endanger themselves or others.

Maintain confidentiality regarding any information gained through their work and not divulge personal information or the address or phone numbers of committee members, members or service users. 

Ensure that all transactions, agreements and records that flow from relationships with AESSRA’s stakeholders will be accurately and openly recorded in the organisation's books and records, and no entries will be made which obscure the true nature of a transaction.

Ensure that when speaking on behalf of AESSRA in any capacity they make it clear that any personal opinion expressed about any aspect of allergy and environmental sensitivity does not necessarily reflect the views of AESSRA.

Ensure that no direct recommendation is made to a person to stop any current medical treatment.

Ensure that AESSRA markets its services with integrity and accuracy.

Ensure that personal and financial interests do not conflict with the duty to the organisation. 

Work within the organisation’s policies and principles. 

Discuss issues where appropriate with other volunteers and committee members to determine whether or not a contemplated action is ethical.


The Committee shall:

Observe confidentiality relating to non-public information acquired by them in their role as Committee Members and not disclose such information to any other person.

Ensure that the independent views of Committee members are given due consideration and weight.

Carry out its meetings in such a manner as to ensure fair and full participation of all Committee members.

Ensure that the organisation’s assets are protected via a suitable risk management strategy.

Ensure that personal and financial interests do not conflict with the duty to the organisation.



Allergy and Environmental Sensitivity Support and Research Association Inc.

Reg. No. AOOO 6141S ABN 32 386 589 943

P.O. Box 298, Ringwood Vic 3134, Australia