To join online please complete the Membership Form below and click submit AND then pay using PayPal or your credit card by clicking "Add to Cart" for the appropriate amount and following the instructions.

This form is for Australian residents only.

Step 1 Complete membership form

AESSRA Inc. Membership Form

Membership category 1: Full or Concession

Membership category 2: Associate - Relative, Full or Concession

Membership category 3: Associate Member - Supporter

For membership categories 1,2 and 3:

Membership category 4: Associate - Professional $35


REGISTER OF MEMBERS: By law, there must be a Register of Members that is available to any member on request, for a reason related to the operation of AESSRA Inc.

DONATIONS: If you are making a donation to AESSRA Inc., you will be thanked in Sensitivity Matters, unless you click on the box below:

BROCHURES to give people or put in waiting rooms, health food shops etc. Please send me: Are you sensitive to chemicals?

How to be Fragrance-Free

Fragrance and Disability Discrimination

Make sure you clicked on "Submit" (above) before completing the payment section (below).

Step 2 Pay membership fee

If you like, you can also make a donation to the AESSRA Inc. Research Fund or to AESSRA Inc. or both. To donate the amount of your choice, please click "Add to cart" and then increase the quantity. For example, to donate $50, choose a $10 donation, click "Add to cart" and increase the quantity to 5.

These donations are tax deductible in Australia.

Membership - Full, or Associate - Relative, Full, or Associate - Supporter, Full, or Associate - Professional (Australian resident)

$ 35.00 AUD

By paying your membership fee you are agreeing to be bound by the Code of Conduct and Rules of AESSRA Inc. for the time being in force (see the "Join AESSRA" page for links to these documents).

Memberships must be approved by the Committee. If your membership is refused (a very rare event) you will be sent a refund.


Membership - Concession, or Associate - Relative, Concession, or Associate - Supporter, Concession (Australian resident)

$ 20.00 AUD

To be eligible for concession membership you must provide your Centrelink Pension or Health Care Card number on the Membership Form above.

By paying your membership fee you are agreeing to be bound by the Code of Conduct and Rules of AESSRA Inc. for the time being in force (see the "Join AESSRA" page for links to these documents).

Memberships must be approved by the committee. If your membership is refused (a very rare event) you will be sent a refund.


Financial Hardship Fee

$ 5.00 AUD

For people experiencing financial hardship. No evidence is required - you decide whether this is appropriate for you.

Donation to AESSRA Inc.

$ 2.00 AUD

Your donation will help AESSRA Inc. to help people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, allergies and related disorders.


Donation to AESSRA Inc.

$ 10.00 AUD

Your donation will help AESSRA Inc. to help people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, allergies and related disorders.


Hospital Guidelines for patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

$ 4.40 AUD

Until the end of June 2015, new members will receive one free printed copy of the AESSRA Hospital Guidelines and, on request, a free USB drive with the AESSRA Hospital Guidelines, state hospital guidelines and space for your personal medical information.

Lists ways to make a hospital stay safer for people with MCS. Contents: Emergency, Hospital staff, Admission, Babies and children, Patient's room, Cleaning, Pesticides, Medications, medical devices and surgery, Diet, Further information, Non-toxic, fragrance free personal care and cleaning products

12 A4 page booklet, printed with soy ink on recycled paper.

Price includes GST and postage.

Available to AESSRA members only.